It's so clear now ...An Early 19th Century International Story Part 4
Caleb and Emma stood there waiting for a reaction as Luis Angel was reading Magdalena's letter. They were expecting the worst possible...

Soloing at CoSho
This was a cool morning at the village but I could feel spring slowly taking over as I made my way to the cooper shop (CoSho). My walk...

Proudest Stave
Good things come to those who wait! Yes, I waited a long time to begin enjoying coopering, one of my two personal creative goals the...

Cacophony of Sounds...An Early 19th Century International Story Part 3
Luis Angel missed his favorite Spanish dish, Olla Podrida, a Spanish midday stew made with legumes and potatoes, seasoned with cured pork...

Asa Knight #37
#AsaKnightCountryStore #OldSturbridgeVillage #luisvalentinBWphotograph #LuisValentinphotograph #OSV #Sturbridge #Massachussetts...

Sturbridge, Mass. Population 2000 plus 1....An Early 19th Century International Story Part 2
Emma was finally back to herself after being sick for almost a year from working at the Lowell Mills. She had been attending the Hartford F

Photograph at Asak
#Massachussetts #oldsturbridgevillageAsaKnightStore #AsaKnightCountryStore #luisvalentinphotographs #Massachusetts #1811Asaknight...

Lost between moments Just for an instant I can see the edge of time just ahead.... .....once again I will return #oldSturbridgevillage...

Spanish Wine over Porter... An Early 19th Century International Story Part 1
Mr. San Miguel, an importer of olive oil and Garnacha wine from Aragón, Spain was eager to meet Judge Knight.

Photographic Moment at OSV
Dennis Cronin at the Carding Mill Old Sturbridge Village #denniscronin #osvcardingmill #cardingmillosv...