Sturbridge, Mass. Population 2000 plus 1....An Early 19th Century International Story Part 2
Emma was finally back to herself after being sick for almost a year from working at the Lowell Mills. She had been attending the Hartford F

Photograph at Asak
#Massachussetts #oldsturbridgevillageAsaKnightStore #AsaKnightCountryStore #luisvalentinphotographs #Massachusetts #1811Asaknight...

Lost between moments Just for an instant I can see the edge of time just ahead.... .....once again I will return #oldSturbridgevillage...

Spanish Wine over Porter... An Early 19th Century International Story Part 1
Mr. San Miguel, an importer of olive oil and Garnacha wine from Aragón, Spain was eager to meet Judge Knight.

Photographic Moment at OSV
Dennis Cronin at the Carding Mill Old Sturbridge Village #denniscronin #osvcardingmill #cardingmillosv...

Honoring family, boys remembering "the good ol' days" and village fashion...
Today I worked with Chip Leis at Asa Knight and his portrait speaks louder than words. Now that's a beard! Chip has been working at the...

Captain Allen, Candle making, American Chestnut and a Tobacco Chewing Ladybug!
I arrived at the village on Saturday morning and at 1 degree Fahrenheit the sheep were wearing other sheep to stay warm. The village was...

Tom Kelleher is this month's Featured Spotlight Interpreter
" Not much to say… Studied history, could not get a permanent teaching job, and after grad school ended up here. I live in a log cabin in...