Around the Village
Laundry through the branches #OSVabstractphotography #OSVgarden #OSVlaundry #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph

Art at OSV
"Cambios" Old Sturbridge Village Cooper Shop #OSVcooper #Art #LuisValentinphotograph #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage

Around the Village
Late afternoon at the village #OSVwomendyeing #LuisValentinphotograph #OSVdyeing

Around the Village
Asa Knight Country Store #OSVAsaKnightCountryStore #LuisValentinphotograph #AsaKnight #DummerstonVermont

Maclura Tinctoria
Dark, reds and yellow the steam rises along the meadow callous charcoaled hands upon the boiling water fustic transformation inside my...

Around the Village
Day for Dyeing #DyeingProcess #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #OSVwomendyeing #LuisValentinphotograph

Around the Village
Tin shop at OSV #Tinmaker #TinShop #CraftsmenatOldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph #OSVinterpreters