A day's end note
Barrels dark and light mackerel and pickled herring sperm whale oil it’s so bright and a horn full of rum for this evening sincerely, the...

Still, but not my thoughts
Soft light by the window diffused by the dreary rain the silence of my stillness embraced by the vivid colors of my wandering mind...

Around the Village
Laundry through the branches #OSVabstractphotography #OSVgarden #OSVlaundry #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph

Art at OSV
"Cambios" Old Sturbridge Village Cooper Shop #OSVcooper #Art #LuisValentinphotograph #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage

Around the Village
Late afternoon at the village #OSVwomendyeing #LuisValentinphotograph #OSVdyeing

Around the Village
Asa Knight Country Store #OSVAsaKnightCountryStore #LuisValentinphotograph #AsaKnight #DummerstonVermont

Around the Village
Day for Dyeing #DyeingProcess #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #OSVwomendyeing #LuisValentinphotograph

Around the Village
Tin shop at OSV #Tinmaker #TinShop #CraftsmenatOldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph #OSVinterpreters