It's so clear now ...An Early 19th Century International Story Part 4
Caleb and Emma stood there waiting for a reaction as Luis Angel was reading Magdalena's letter. They were expecting the worst possible...

Soloing at CoSho
This was a cool morning at the village but I could feel spring slowly taking over as I made my way to the cooper shop (CoSho). My walk...

Proudest Stave
Good things come to those who wait! Yes, I waited a long time to begin enjoying coopering, one of my two personal creative goals the...

Cacophony of Sounds...An Early 19th Century International Story Part 3
Luis Angel missed his favorite Spanish dish, Olla Podrida, a Spanish midday stew made with legumes and potatoes, seasoned with cured pork...

Asa Knight #37
#AsaKnightCountryStore #OldSturbridgeVillage #luisvalentinBWphotograph #LuisValentinphotograph #OSV #Sturbridge #Massachussetts...

Sturbridge, Mass. Population 2000 plus 1....An Early 19th Century International Story Part 2
Emma was finally back to herself after being sick for almost a year from working at the Lowell Mills. She had been attending the Hartford F

Photograph at Asak
#Massachussetts #oldsturbridgevillageAsaKnightStore #AsaKnightCountryStore #luisvalentinphotographs #Massachusetts #1811Asaknight...

Lost between moments Just for an instant I can see the edge of time just ahead.... .....once again I will return #oldSturbridgevillage...

Photographic Moment at OSV
Dennis Cronin at the Carding Mill Old Sturbridge Village #denniscronin #osvcardingmill #cardingmillosv...

Honoring family, boys remembering "the good ol' days" and village fashion...
Today I worked with Chip Leis at Asa Knight and his portrait speaks louder than words. Now that's a beard! Chip has been working at the...