Tom Kelleher is this month's Featured Spotlight Interpreter
" Not much to say… Studied history, could not get a permanent teaching job, and after grad school ended up here. I live in a log cabin in...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

Asa Knight Store Photo Date Part 1
#luisvalentinphotographs #OSVAsaKnightCountryStore #oldsturbridgevillageAsaKnightStore #Dummerston #Vermont #AsaBlack #AsaKnight #1811...

Throwback December
I love this picture of the Freeman Farm #OSVFreemansFarm #LuisValentinphotograph #oldSturbridgevillage #OSV

Blanco y Negro at the Blacksmith Shop
Action shot at the Blacksmith shop, Old Sturbridge Village #OldSturbridgevillageblacksmith #luisvalentinBWphotograph #OSVblacksmith...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

Monochromatic backdrop for those shadows Part 37
#OSV #OldSturbridgeVIllage #OSVpond #OldSturbridgeVillagecoveredbridge #luisvalentinphotographs #sturbridge #Massachusetts

Village echos
Moments before the candles come to life I can hear echos of the soon to be snow-driven footsteps the crispness of the air carrying the...

Sunday night the weather at the village was cold and crisp but not windy. The landscape was full of different shades of browns contrasted...

Reflection 37
#OSVdetail #osv #OldSturbridgeVillage #luisvalentinBWphotograph