Village echos Moments before the candles come to lifeI can hear echos of the soon to be snow-driven footstepsthe crispness of the air carrying the voices of those before uspainting a picture.... here at Old Sturbridge Village #OSVlantern #tinshopatosv #luisvalentinBWphotograph #LuisValentin #osv #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinPoem
Moments before the candles come to lifeI can hear echos of the soon to be snow-driven footstepsthe crispness of the air carrying the voices of those before uspainting a picture.... here at Old Sturbridge Village #OSVlantern #tinshopatosv #luisvalentinBWphotograph #LuisValentin #osv #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinPoem