Soloing at CoSho
This was a cool morning at the village but I could feel spring slowly taking over as I made my way to the cooper shop (CoSho). My walk...

Proudest Stave
Good things come to those who wait! Yes, I waited a long time to begin enjoying coopering, one of my two personal creative goals the...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

First the barrel then the cider!
coo·per \ ˈkü-pər , ˈku̇- \ Middle English cowper, from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German kūper, from kūpe ‘tub, vat,’ based on Latin cupa...