Sheep, Sheep, Sheep and Sheep
#OSVsheep #OldSturbridgeVillageSheep #AnimalsatOSV #luisvalentinphotographs

The Tin Studio
#OSVTinShop #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph

Bixby House at Old Sturbridge Village
#BixbyHouseinOSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #OSV #LuisValentinphotograph

Around the Village
#OSVSmallhouse #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph

¡Gracias Por Venir!
Artistic Shapes of nature orange, greens, and yellows my nursery of words are only heard by the earth upon my feet to flow without an end...

Breast Wheels, Miller's tolls and Meals
#OldSturbridgeVillage #OldSturbridgevillagegristmill #millerstolls #breastwheels #LuisValentinphotograph #OSV #OSVInterpreters

My Perspective at Village
#OSVblacksmith #LuisValentinphotograph #OSVartisticperspective

30 steps before work
I stand still in the mist of an early autumn morning. The smoke from the chimneys and the sweet sounds slowly embrace the plenitude of...

OSV Blacksmith shop!

Around the Village
#OSVFreemansFarm #osvchickens #TinShop