Sky over Fitch
#OSVFitchHouse #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #LuisValentinphotograph

If only I was a daguerreotypist
This is my interpretation of what an image would look like if I was a daguerreotypist walking around the village in the 1830s documenting...

Perfection within a dim light geometrical composition dominates the spectrum Perhaps today #LuisValentinphotograph #LuisValentinPoem...

Kneeling on a semi eccentric thought manipulating the words that already exist shaping them to my own blank sheet of space Pulling me...

Behind the OSV Scenes
Behind every Old Sturbridge Village interpreter there is a Christine Bates and her team of costume extraordinaries! They are working on...

Architecture imitates nature or nature imitates architecture.... I guess that's the question!
#FennoHouseinOSV #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage #chickenatOSV #Chickenatfennohouse #architectureandnature

Semi Visual Silence
Espero la palabra inicial péndulo de lo desconocido estratosfera astral donde vive la romántica estrofa de mi dulce motivo Estoy...

Fitch House and Asa Knight Country Store
#OSVAsaKnightCountryStore #OSVFitchHouse #luisvalentinphotographs #OSV #OldSturbridgeVillage

Co-Workers' Morning Talk
The tour begins once again Are you ready my dear friend? the history with the great stories unfolds for all those riding with us today...

The late William Belding
Asa Knight Country Store Photo by L.Valentin This past Saturday after working at the Asa...