Proudest Stave
Good things come to those who wait! Yes, I waited a long time to begin enjoying coopering, one of my two personal creative goals the...

Tom Kelleher is this month's Featured Spotlight Interpreter
" Not much to say… Studied history, could not get a permanent teaching job, and after grad school ended up here. I live in a log cabin in...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

My favorite..... images so far!
After some big obstacles and changes in my life at the beginning of this year, I was hungry to satisfy my creative needs. Little did I...

Time travel with Asa Knight & Captain Picard
I just wanted to share something I realized last week while working at the Asa Knight country store. I'm a big fan of Star Trek, the next...

One step closer to Interpreting!
Last day of basic training and costume fitting, so now all I need is to somehow clone Tom Kelleher's knowledge and experience and I...

Why can't I wear a Summer bonnet in January?
First eight hours of training and I'm not sure if I know the difference between a shift and a stay! But I'll eventually learn it all, or...